Real Estate Law

  • Boundary Line Adjustments

    From time to time, you may decide to convey or purchase portions of real property to someone else. These conveyances must comply with the Subdivision Map Act. We assist property owners to lawfully adjust the boundaries of their real property.

  • Easements, CC&Rs, and other Recorded Documents

    Whether you know it or not, you may be restricted as to what you do with your real estate. You may be bound by documents previously recorded in the County Recorder’s Office of which you had constructive notice. These documents are often easements or CC&Rs. We assist in the interpretation and enforcement of these documents.

  • Neighborly Encroachments

    Boundary walls, fences, sheds, or other improvements often encroach onto a neighboring property. The construction may have been innocent or intentional. We can assist you in resolving these disputes.